Tis the Season for Lights, Gatherings, Music, and Celebration!!
Which Typically Translates to LOUDNESS!
That is where Sound Proof Atlanta comes in to help enhance all the celebrations. Whether it be to keep the singing and dancing joyful or running to the nearest door to escape the noise, we choose the first and can provide the remedy. Event spaces are one of our markets we serve.
Pictured is a brand new event space where we designed the number of panels needed, the layout and panel design to enhance the space. Not only does it work, but any event held here will notice the clarity and comfort to hearing a speech, toast, or story of the first glance and now hearing the music to the first dance.
We used acoustic 2” foam panels in varying sizes and shapes and installed on all walls and ceiling to deflect any unwanted reverb but also keep it lively for all future celebrations. Foam has an excellent .95 NRC rating (like a sponge absorbs water, our foam panels have similar characteristics to noise) and is usually our go to because of its immense absorbency. It can be color matched to any color you want, as it was in this picture, or choose from standard popularly used colors. The foam panels also have a designer line as demonstrated here with the star. We can find anything to suit and enhance a theme.
Our engineers are talented in that we have programs based on square footage, use of room, number of people and dimensions to provide a general rule of thumb to an amount of treatment needed.
Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall, the market segment of Event spaces is always changing their venue look to accommodate weddings, meetings, family gatherings, or education. This is why we enjoy working with this group of people, as every day is a holiday! Next time you are looking for a venue to host your next BIG EVENT, please look around and see how your event space is handling reverb and loud noise.
May you enjoy this season of celebration with a toast to some clarity in conversation, acoustical softness, and freedom to jump for Joy without anyone bothered!
Thankful For This Season!
Pictured is the DeKalb History Museum Event Space.

For more event page pictures, see our Event Spaces Soundproofing gallery here.